Saturday, March 27, 2010


The new cafeteria cashless system is running at all schools and it has gone very well. The students are quickly learning their pin numbers and as more students put money on their account the lunch lines really begin to move quickly. The more parents who preload the student account either by check or on the smoother the system runs and the quicker the students move through the lunch line. Please remember if you are on free lunch and your child wants to buy a snack they must have money on their account. Reduced lunch students need to have the money they need on their accounts as well. If you have lunch tickets please send them in to the cafeteria in an envelope with the Childs name and we will put the value on the account for you. This eliminates the students having to carry the tickets and will help speed up the lunch lines. Please make checks out to Burlington School Lunch with the child’s name & Pin # on the memo line. Cash will be accepted until April vacation. Any questions please contact Paul Virgin 781-505-1154 or email him at

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