This blog provides news and information on the Pine Glen Elementary School in Burlington, Massachusetts.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Grade 4 Phonics
Today, during my walkthrough's, I saw Ms. Varrell teaching her students phonics particularly the vowel-r sounds. Students were also using the dictionaries on their iPads to look up the meanings of words.
Science and Kindergarten
Mrs. Pavlicek, from the Burlington Science Center, taught kindergarten students today about the life cycle of a chicken.
Today, during my walkthrough's, I saw Ms. Fallon showing students how to work with clay during art class.
Persuasive Writing
Today, during my walkthrough's, I saw Ms. Mills teaching her first grade students about persuasive writing.
Friday, March 23, 2018
Students of the Week
Congratulations to Jake, Matthew, Leonidas, Brooke, Frankie, and MacKenzie for making W.I.S.E. choices and being our Students of the Week. Thank you for being role models!
Make W.I.S.E. Choices
Work to be appropriate
Important to be safe
Strive to be Kind
Everyone matters
Students from Burlington High School visited Pine Glen and performed parts of the play Pippin. The performance was fantastic! It was wonderful to see former Pine Glen students in the cast.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Cafeteria Substitutes Workers
We're looking for Substitute Cafeteria Workers! Must be available on an as-needed basis to work in all Burlington schools. Hours are generally 10am-1pm, but can vary depending on school. Must be reliable, flexible, and able to work in a team environment.
Pay is $12.00 per hour. Apply online at or contact Karen Damaso at 781-270-1756.
Pay is $12.00 per hour. Apply online at or contact Karen Damaso at 781-270-1756.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Incoming Kindergarten Storytime
Monday, March 19, 2018
From Mrs. Tilton
Monday, March 19, 2018
Study Skills Bingo
For the month of March, I am focusing on study skills lessons for students in grades 3-5 as they will be taking the MCAS in a few weeks. We learned about and review test taking/study skills through a Bingo/Study game. We had fun and went over some great tips to be well prepared for MCAS. Some of the skills included: have test materials ready, stay focused, get a good night's sleep and eliminate wrong answers. Best of luck with MCAS, Pine Glen!
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Pine Glen Winter Carnival 2018
Thank you very much to all the volunteers that helped at the Pine Glen Winter Carnival! It was a terrific day. Students along with their families had a great time.
Friday, March 16, 2018
Students of the Week
Congratulations to Callie, Brooke, Kate, Redha, Matthew, and Jillian for making W.I.S.E. choices and being our Students of the Week. Thank you for being role models!
Make W.I.S.E. Choices
Work to be appropriate
Important to be safe
Strive to be Kind
Everyone matters
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Dissmissal and Arrival Procedures
Pine Glen Elementary School
Pine Glen Way Burlington, MA 01803 781-270-1712 John Lyons, Principal
March 5, 2018
Dear Parents,
The dismissal and arrival procedures at Pine Glen Elementary School were designed in coordination with the Burlington Police Department and Burlington Fire Department. I know we all share the same goal of keeping the students safe. Please be mindful of the following points below for drop-off/pick-up.
- Do not pass school buses while they are discharging and boarding students. By state law, buses may never be passed if their lights are flashing.
- Vehicles should be in the park gear while students are entering and exiting the vehicle.
- As vehicles progress through the line, please drive your vehicle to the top of the “horseshoe” if you are next in the flow in order that we can have the most students exit at one time.
- Do not text or be on a mobile device while operating your vehicle.
- Please have children ready to exit by the time you enter the school-yard. Teach them to be independent about getting out of car seats and seatbelts.
- Please have messages, goodbyes, hugs, and kisses taken care of prior to arrival to prevent a backup in the drop-off /pick-up line. It is not safe to have parents exiting a running car.
- Once students have left the car at arrival please proceed. I know it is fun to watch students enter the building, but this results in slowing down the drop-off line.
- The drop-off/pick-up procedure is not to take place at other locations other than the designated area.
- Parents cannot ask to take students out of a bus line while they boarding a bus at dismissal.
- Please contact the school before 11:30 AM if dismissal plans change for the bus or pick-up.
The Burlington Police Department, The Burlington Fire Departments, and the Pine Glen staff greatly appreciate your past and future assistance in keeping all the students safe.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
John Lyons
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Monday, March 5, 2018
Safety is our top priority at Pine Glen Elementary School. Today students practiced a lockdown drill. Officer Sheppard, our school resource officer, was on hand to assist with the practice drill. Staff and students did a great job following the procedures. Drills like today are ways we help our students practice being safe.
Friday, March 2, 2018
Message from Pine Glen Counseling
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Kindness in February
For the month of February, our counseling theme was kindness. We focused on how we can use kind words and do kind acts in school and out in the community. For all grades, we used different books to present/discuss the topic. The books we used were:

This book talks about a boy who writes two unkind valentine's to students who were previously mean to him. Students discussed the importance of writing kind messages and using kind words on a holiday that celebrates caring about one another. We also discussed the importance of not seeking revenge and using kindness and respect to cope with situations from the past where someone has not treated us kindly.
The other book we used was:

In this story, a new student arrives at school and she attempts to make friendships and connections by being kind and asking other kids to play. In the story, no one reaches out to the new student and she ends up moving away. Students discussed and learned about the importance of simple acts of kindness such as saying hello and smiling and how they can make a huge difference in someone's life.
To close up the lesson, we created a heart of kind acts to be posted in each classroom. Students gave examples of kind words and actions they can take in their classroom or community to make the world a better place. I wrote these ideas down on a heart and laminated one for each classroom. They are posted in a prominent spot to remind all students about the kind acts they can engage in every day.

This book talks about a boy who writes two unkind valentine's to students who were previously mean to him. Students discussed the importance of writing kind messages and using kind words on a holiday that celebrates caring about one another. We also discussed the importance of not seeking revenge and using kindness and respect to cope with situations from the past where someone has not treated us kindly.
The other book we used was:
In this story, a new student arrives at school and she attempts to make friendships and connections by being kind and asking other kids to play. In the story, no one reaches out to the new student and she ends up moving away. Students discussed and learned about the importance of simple acts of kindness such as saying hello and smiling and how they can make a huge difference in someone's life.
To close up the lesson, we created a heart of kind acts to be posted in each classroom. Students gave examples of kind words and actions they can take in their classroom or community to make the world a better place. I wrote these ideas down on a heart and laminated one for each classroom. They are posted in a prominent spot to remind all students about the kind acts they can engage in every day.
Crazy Hair Day
Students at Pine Glen earned enough Hoot cards that they earned the all school reward of having Crazy Hair Day.
Students of the Week!
Congratulations to Tom, John, Matthew, Ben, Gianna, and Delila for making W.I.S.E. choices and being our Students of the Week. Thank you for being role models!
Make W.I.S.E. Choices
Work to be appropriate
Important to be safe
Strive to be Kind
Everyone matters
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Read Across America Day
We celebrated Read Across America Day (and the birth of Dr. Seuss) today. The whole school assembled to read independently in the gym for twenty minutes this morning. Throughout the week, guest readers have read to classes and many students are reading to other students (across grade levels). The cafeteria served green eggs and ham.
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