Recently Shopkins have become a very popular toy. I have seen them first hand in my house, relatives and friend's homes how much children enjoy playing with them. Please remind students that Shopkins are toys and need to stay at home. Also, students are not allowed to trade toys including Shopkins at school and on the bus.
Pine Glen Handbook Page 8
Electronics and Toys
Children may not bring electronic games, ipods, or other electronic equipment to school. If a parent believes a cell phone is warranted for safety reasons the cell phone must be turned off and left in a student’s backpack during the school day. If a child removes an electronic device or cell phone from the backpack for any reason that electronic device or cell phone will be confiscated by administration. The administrator will return the electronic device or cell phone to a parent and/or disciplinary action will be taken. The school is not responsible for the loss of any electronic equipment.
Similarly, toys, collectible cards and stuffed animals are not allowed at school. However, if these items are needed for after school activities, all non-educational items are to remain in the backpack for the school day.
Any child who brings a potentially dangerous object to school is subject to disciplinary action. Toy knives, toy guns or any other sharp or dangerous objects are not allowed at school at any time for any reason. Any child who brings such items will have these items collected by staff and parents will be contacted by the principal Students are not allowed to sell or trade toys.